Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here's our little man!

 Hi My Name is Zadok Brian Andrew. I was born on November 13th at 11am sharp! I weighed 5lbs 1oz and I am 18 1/4 inches long. I came a little sooner than expected but I am healthy and that makes my mom and dad very happy!

 Here's my feet! I think they are just right......

Since my mommy was so sick, she fed me when it was time and held me too but my daddy took really good care of me as well. I love it when I can lay on his chest.

We even took our first family picture, especially because we had so much time on our hands, we just really wanted to go home.
I stayed in the Hospital a week because my mom had to get better first but then I took my first car ride! My Mom and Dad bundled me up and I could barely see out of my seat! Then I began my journey in the new world. I love to sleep and eat and listen to my dad play the piano. My mom will try to keep updating pictures of me because I know they sure do take a lot of them! Here are a few to keep up to date....

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