Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Kingdom

Since Stacia has been so good about posting, and I set up this blog, I knew I should take some time and do it too. God has had my focus on one thing lately. His Kingdom. What does this look like? How can we get it replicated now as it was in the first century church. Replicate really isn't a good work though, because for a God who is infinite in all things, why would we expect that he would do the same thing twice? However, I look for a powerful move of God that will resemble what God did at Pentacost. There is a greater annointing that God is longing to pour out on His people. These people are ones that are looking for something more. The thoughts that have been stayed in my mind are about being hungry. I have been praying for an insatiable hunger for the Kingdom. I want to be satisfied by NOTHING else, but God's presence in power.

There are a few ways that I believe God wants to make himself manifest. One, the presence of supernatural signs and wonders. These, I am more convinced now than ever are to be part of the normal Christian life, not the exception. I am still searching for what this looks like in my life, but I know that God has a plan, and I also know that perfect timing of the fulfillment of God's plan is just as important as the fact that it is fulfilled. This is in line with a sermon I heard recently on the descerning of the seasons, and knowing what to do in the season. One can have an accurate revelation of the season, but have no idea what to do. Another, however, might know what to do, but have no discernment of the appropriate time. The wonderful thing, though, is that God puts us next to people who compiment our calling, to bring us each into full fruition.

The other manifestation of His presence that I believe we must look for is not so much a occurance, but rather a state of being. God desires His people blessed. Now lest I be accused of preaching a 'Prosperity Gospel' consider that God desires us to be blessed, so that we have plenty to share. God does not want us to be scraping to get by, rather, "we are to be the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower." God wants to so position us that we can adaquately fund the needs of the Kingdom. I was listening to a podcast this week in which the speaker was encouraging believers to maintain five streams of income. He was challenging his listeners to ask God to show them how they would become blessed. Not only that, he instructed the people to bless themselves. A strange thought at first, but think about it. If no one else will pronounce it over you, why not pronounce it over yourself. Jacob wrestled with God until he received his blessing. I believe God wants to bless us exponentially more!

Lastly, I do not know what these things all look like exactly for Stacia and me, but I am convinced they are part of His plan. We have a rich heritage in being believers. We are priests, therefore we are to be recipients of Aaron's blessing in Numbers 6, "The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Amen and amen.

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