Monday, June 9, 2008

Some time off

So we have taken som time off of working on our house for the last week. Needless to say not much has gotten accomplished. Tonight, however, it is back to the grindstone. I need to stay dedicated to working on it because as nice as it is to drive to my in-laws, or my grandparent's every night to take a's getting old. Besides, I'm excited to take a shower in my own bathroom, surrounded by tile that I laid myself, etc. In any case, this whole process of destruction, rebuilding, fixing, re-fixing, etc has been great! I have learned so much, and still am. One question though, what happens when my dad is too old to crawl around in my crawl-space and do my plumbing for me. Hmm...hopefully, I can do it. Or better yet, I will have enough money to pay someone else to do it for me!

Speaking of the crawl-space, if you live in Indiana or the surrounding area, you will know that this part of the state experienced a monsoon this weekend. At one point in time I decided I had better check my crawl-space to insure that it was dry. Well, it certainly wasn't dry and it looked as though I had a little river flowing. So I get on the phone and start trying to decide what my next course of action is. A sump-pump? Probably not, says the expert (my dad), the first course of action is to try to re-direct the water away from the house. Looks like I might get a chance to do it tonight, more rain is on the way.

If you are a praying person, now would be a good time to pray, there are many people who are displaced from their homes for quite sometime, if not indefinitely. Some are gone from flood, others from the tornado that came less than a week before. But for now, lunch paradise away from the students!

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